Ellistone Canoe Rentals in Rockland Wisconsin

Ellistone Canoe Rentals Ellistone Canoe Rental Sparta Wisconsin
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1. Canoe & Kayak Rental Pricing

Canoes (2 man)- $40

Kayak (1 man) - $30

Tax Included

*Paddles and life jackets included*

2. Choose a Trip

2 Hour- (no additional charge per trip option)

3 Hour- (no additional charge per trip option)

5 Hour- (no additional charge per trip option)

8 Hour- (no additional charge per trip option)

3. Schedule Canoe Trip

-All trips scheduled by reservation only

-Contact Ellistone at either of the two phone numbers or by email for additional information and scheduling options.

-All parties need to be off river and checked back in by 6:00 PM

Ellistone Canoe Rentals LLC
Rockland, Wisconsin


Email: ellistonecanoerental@gmail.com

8 hour canoe trip from Fishermans Park in Sparta to Bangor Boat Landing in Bangor Wisconsin
5 hour canoe trip from Fishermans Park in Sparta to Rockland Wisconsin
2 hour canoe trip from Fishermans Park to Amundson Park in Sparta Wisconsin
3 hour canoe trip from Amundson Park in Sparta to Rockland Wisconsin

8 hr Trip

  • Take the 8 hr trip from Fishermans Park in Sparta to Bangor Boat Landing in Bangor Wisconsin.

5 hr Trip

  • Take the 5 hr trip from Fishermans Park in Sparta to Rockland boat landing.

2 hr Trip

  • Take the 2 hr trip from Fishermans Park to Amundson Park in Sparta.


3 Hr Trip

  • Take the 3 hr trip from Amundson Park to Rockland boat landing.